An Association of IB World Schools committed to shaping the future of IB programs in Texas.
International School of Texas
International School of Texas
International School of Texas
News & Events //
Texas IB Schools welcomes its member schools to the 2024-2045 school year. We hope you have a great year and that you will join TIBS by completing the membership form here. Membership is a great bargain at $300 per program. We look forward to hearing from you and supporting you in the 2024-2025 school year.​
We are proud to announce the state IB conference, Empowering Minds - Changing Futures, to be held on Friday, October 11, in San Antonio. TIBS and TCIS are co-hosting the event that will feature Commissioner Mike Morath as the keynote speaker. Commissioner Morath will share his personal IB journey and the impact IB has had on his life at the morning general session. Programme breakout sessions will take place in the afternoon. Register here
​by September 20th. See agenda. The cost of the conference is $150 per person and includes lunch.
Access this link for a list of free eductional offerings from the non-partisan World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth. They provide wonderful opportunities for students and teachers.
TIBS annual College Fair is scheduled for April 3, 2025 at the Hurst Conference Center. Details will follow. Registration for college and universities will open in the fall. Student registration will open in February.
TIBS Virtual College Fair continues to be available. Here is the link for students: Colleges and universities wishing to be represented in the virtual college fair should click here.
TIBS continues its partnership with Simple Bare Necessities, a non profit organization founded by Arya Germanwala, an DP student at Longview High School. See how your school can be a part of this organization that provides toiletries to economically disadvantaged students. Find information at
You can also work with the organization through our
partnership with We Help Two and Trevor Bergman.